
精准医疗正在发生怎样的变化 癌症 Care

作者:Bogdan Eftimie, MD
Specialty: Hematologist/Oncologist at the UCSF - Washington 癌症 Center


In medicine, particularly in the treatment of cancer, there’s no 这种东西是普遍的. 没有两个人是相同的. 他们的癌症不是 相同的. And the way they respond to therapies aren’t 相同的.

作为医学主任 UCSF -买球网站癌症中心, I’m involved in the programmatic development of the cancer program, which includes a host of 服务 that seek to support patients from diagnosis and beyond, including social work, nutrition, and, potentially, palliative 护理. One important aspect of this comprehensive cancer 护理 model is 我们专注于精准医疗.

As health 护理 moves away from a traditional one-size-fits-all model, 精密医学 offers us the opportunity to create individualized treatment plans that 把人作为一个整体来考虑. 通过结合基因分析, medical history, lifestyle, and expectations, physicians can develop and recommend therapies that are not only effective but increase quality of 生命的同时治疗疾病.


Precision medicine isn’t just another marketing term, it’s a medical model that uses factors like lifestyle, environment, and individual genetic variability to choose the best therapies and prevention strategies. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not tailored to a specific individual, 而是一个亚种群. 然而,精准医疗不是什么, 是灵丹妙药. Neither simple nor absolute, it uses all available knowledge to predict the 大多数 effective, least detrimental treatment plan.


Simply because of the possibility that it allows.

In the past decade, the cost of DNA sequencing has dropped significantly. 什么 once cost tens of thousands of dollars can now be done for just a 几百美元. For institutions and academic medical colleges, it was that cost prohibitiveness that really stood in the way of significant 遗传研究. With that barrier lifted, we’re finding that just because we have the ability to sequence DNA and identify mutations doesn’t mean we always know what to do with that information.


So while, yes, 精密医学 can inform personalized treatment, its biggest contribution, at present, is in amassing a library of mutations from which we can research, compare, and develop new treatments to target.


It used to be that cancers were classified and diagnosed by organ of genesis – think lung cancer, colon cancer, or prostate cancer. 这使得 to a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment that yielded vastly different 患者反应. 你会收到诊断和治疗方案 that would, essentially, take you, trial and error, through treatment 选项. Only once those 选项 were exhausted would non-standard therapies 被认为是.

It took years of research on a genetic level to understand how and why 一种癌症可能以某种方式表现. 这不仅会增加 the effectiveness of therapies targeting that specific type of cancer, we can see genetic similarities across different forms of cancers which 拓宽治疗选择.

For instance, prostate cancer used to be thought of as hormonally driven. It wasn’t until a few years ago that we realized that some prostate cancer patients also had a higher instance of the BRCA-mutation. 什么 it means for those instances is that other therapies employed for breast or ovarian cancers driven by BRCA mutations can also be used in prostate cancer.

This wouldn’t be possible without 精密医学.


与它的 精密癌症 medicine, UCSF has dedicated significant resources to the collection, mapping and synthesis of data to gain a clearer picture of how diseases, 比如癌症影响人群. 分子肿瘤学的世界领导者 UCSF 500癌症基因小组 test identifies mutations within the DNA of a patient’s tumor and matches them with targeted therapies and clinical trials. 除了治疗之外, in some cases, the UCSF 500 can offer a definitive diagnosis of the type of cancer a patient has, or even identify genetic markers (like the BRCA mutation) that may affect a patient’s family members in the future.

As its name implies, the UCSF -买球网站癌症中心 is a partnership between UCSF Health and 买球网站医院买球网站系统. 它提供了 both inpatient and outpatient 护理, support, and education. 的目标 this partnership is to create a comprehensive, regional health护理 network, and provide Tri-City residents access to some of UCSF’s best specialty 服务. Included is the precision medical approach to cancer diagnosis, treatment and research – without the cost, time, and, quite frankly, hassle associated with having to travel to San Francisco.

While 精密医学 in its current form is not a cure-all – 甚至是治愈方法 大多数 – it’s a driving force in this shift toward more intelligent, 更个性化的护理. By partnering with UCSF Health, Washington Hospital Health护理 System has made a long-term investment in bringing this data-driven 我们社会的未来. 这在癌症治疗的背景下意味着什么 is patients and populations have better access to screenings and therapies 这最终会带来更好的结果.
